See also: Bees in the Grand Canyon, Bees on the Summit, Bees in Sun City Grand,
Bee FAQ, Bee Gallery

Bees under eave Swarm in tree
Hive with honeycomb
Swarm in tree

All bee swarms and hives must be approached with extreme caution.  Because of extensive cross-breeding with Africanized bees, there is a greater than 90% chance the bees will be Africanized and can be very aggressive in their behavior.  Do not spray with water or anything or disturb any bee hive or swarm. Teach your children that bees are deadly, before they fine a hive or swarm. Bees can be found just about anywhere from a cave on the mountain to a tree, bush, or water valve box in the ground. They can show up in your yard or the park with in minutes and with out any notice. 

  • Identify the location and approximate size of the bee swarm or hive FROM A SAFE DISTANCE - USE CAUTION.
  • Remember: Keep children and pets away from the swarm or hive.
  • Notify us of the problem immediately.
  • Identify for us any possible emergency information such as aggressive behavior, attacks on people or pets, allergies to bee stings, etc.
  • Do not spray the swarm or hive with water or any other substance to move the bees - this will only aggravate them.
  • Always be alert. Bees will normally attack only when their nesting area is disturbed.  Approach potential bee nesting  locations (such as mailboxes, meter boxes, thick bushes and debris piles with CAUTION.  Watch for winged insects flying in and out of openings and listen for the "buzz" or "hum" sound of a nearby bee nest.
  • Never tie or pen pets and animals near a bee nest or swarm, regardless of how docile they may seem.
  • The vibration from machinery may agitate nesting bees.  Use extra caution when using lawn mowers, weed eaters and powered equipment.  This vibration is offensive to the bees and may provoke an attack.
  • Prevent bees from nesting in or around your home by sealing cracks and holes in structures under the eves and by filling all void spaces. Remove debris (such as wood piles, old cars and trash) to reduce nesting locations.  If ventilation must be maintained through a hole, cover it with a fine screen (available at any hardware or home center store).
  • When working in your yard or participating in outdoor recreation activities, avoid wearing dark clothing, as that is more threatening to bees.  Certain perfumes, after-shaves, hair sprays, sunscreens, and the smell of freshly mowed grass have also been known to provoke bees.
  • If you see a nest or swarm of bees, assume they are Africanized Honeybees and LEAVE THEM ALONE!  It is impossible to distinguish Africanized bees from common honeybees from a distance. 
    • GET AWAY from them as QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!  If you are being stung, RUN to a SHELTER if possible.  If your vehicle is close, get back in your vehicle and roll up the windows.  Once inside your vehicle, DRIVE a short distance, then STOP and CLEAR any stray bees from the interior.  If you are not near a vehicle or shelter, RUN as far and as fast as possible.  While running, pulling your shirt up over your head may help, since bees tend to target the head and eyes.
    • DO NOT try to SWAT at the bees.  Movement of this type will only attract more bees.
    • DO NOT JUMP into a POOL.  It is common for the bees to attack again when you surface for air.  If you become incapacitated from a bee sting reaction, you might drown.
    • If you have been stung, DIAL 9-1-1 once you are safely away from the bees.  Bee stingers may continue to inject venom for several minutes once they are imbedded in your skin.  While a few stings may not be harmful to most people, multiple stings can cause a serious health problem.  A SINGLE STING CAN BE FATAL TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALLERGIC TO IT!  Watch for these signs of an allergic reaction:  local pain, swelling, hives and especially difficulty breathing.  If you experience any of these symptoms, DIAL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY.  An ALLERGIC REACTION to bee stings can go from mild symptoms to DEATH in a very short period of time.
  • Make special arrangements for a technician to assess the situation and determine the necessary service requirements.
  • Treat the swarm or hive until the problem is controlled and contained.

This is an inside look at the problem you may be facing


These are the members that make up a swarm or hive


We strongly recommend removing the hive and dead bees as soon as possible following the service.  If the colony has been within the structure for more than a month, it will have a considerable amount of wax, honey and pollen present.  These materials can attract other scavenger insects or may damage your walls or plants.  Removal of the hive will also discourage other bee swarms from colonizing the hive area.

Swarms or other hives can and will be attracted to the bee pheromones at your home for two or more years. Removal of the bees and hive will greatly reduce the chance of a new infestation. Hives that have been treated with pesticides can be harmful to children and pets. Do not touch the hive or eat any of the honey. Use rubber gloves when removing the hive if it contains pesticides.

There are three major steps to follow in completely removing bees. If this is not done you are risking damage to your home as well as harm to you.

Step 1: Exterminate 
Locate the bees and exterminate them.  We recommend that you call a professional. The Arizona State Extension office is saying that over 98% of new bee activity is Africanized.
Step 2: Remove Once exterminated, use rubber gloves to remove the dead bees, honey, and honey comb or hive.
Step 3: Clean Clean with soap water and bleach.  Sometimes this might mean hiring a licenses contractor to open up walls or roof areas and return them to their original condition and sealing any holes and cracks in the area around the hive.  Any hole or crack that you can stick a pencil into, a bee can enter.  This is important to prevent future infestations of new bee swarms.

If the materials are not removed and disposed of, a second service may be required.

Please Refer Any Questions To Your Technician At The Time Of Service

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